1.This text now the opportunity pass to make reference to a great deal of data to come to investigate this problem thoroughly.
2.Note that the presence of the android: id attribute enables the application to make reference to a specific widget within the layout.
3.Make reference to movie, the Cyberspace art, this can explain the contemporary sense of vision art and their contact well more close.
4.A purchase order shall be specified with an order number, and Seller shall make reference to the order number in the invoice accordingly.
5.The grandpa made reference to me before tears cover the face, I make reference to a grandpa now tears cover the face!
6.For a temporary or long storage of the product make reference to the storage section indications.
7.I will make reference to the witticism in what I will tell you about the formula of what I called earlier "the omega operation" .
8.The main problems in the research and their possible solutions are also summarized to make reference for future study in related field.
9.Second, we make reference to the message parameter as an argument for the property called Args.
10.Collect relative information about client, establish database, to make reference for market project.